If you are having difficulty getting TrackIR to work with X-Camera verify that you have done these steps:

  1. Start the TrackIR software before you start X-Plane
  2. Make sure you have done a games update and that X-Camera is showing up in the TrackIR game titles list
  3. Make sure that TrackIR is shut off in the X-Plane hardware options. X-Plane and TrackIR can not both be attached to the TrackIR interface at the same time. If you did need to shut trackIR off in X-Plane you may need to restart X-Plane once to get it to release the TrackIR interface
  4. Make sure that you have enabled TrackIR on the cameras you want it on. Remember that one of the advantages of using X-Camera is you can control what input options like TrackIR and HeadShake you want on each camera.