X-ATC-Chatter 1.7.2 uses a new dedicated clip update server. If you wish to continue to get clip updates through the X-ATC-Chatter player you will need to be running version 1.7.2 or higher.

The following steps will illustrate how to update your installation to version 1.7.2. The same process is used to update either a demo version or a purchased version but it is important to remember to NOT delete your existing X-ATC-Chatter installation if it contains the full purchased clip set. The archive below only contains the new player and the 400 demo clips and is intended to be merged with your existing installation.

  1. Make a backup of your existing X-Plane/Resources/plugins/X-ATC-Chatter folder (just in case you make a mistake)
  2. Download the 1.7.2 player and demo clip set from: https://www.stickandrudderstudios.com/downloads/X-ATC-Chatter_1.7.2_Demo.zip?v=
  3. Unzip the archive from step 2 into a temporary folder
  4. Do NOT delete your existing X-Plane/Resources/plugins/X-ATC-Chatter folder
  5. Copy the resulting X-ATC-Chatter folder to your X-Plane/Resources/plugins folder allowing Windows Explorer or OSX finder to merge/replace files
  6. Start X-Plane and make sure the X-ATC-Chatter control panel indicates that you are running 1.7.2


  • Do not name the X-ATC-Chatter folder anything other than X-ATC-Chatter. X-Plane is very fussy about the folder name matching the XPL file name
  • Be careful to copy the X-ATC-Chatter folder from step 3. Some zip utilities will create an intermediate folder that contains the final X-ATC-Chatter folder
  • When you make a backup copy in step 1 make sure to place that copy outside of the X-Plane plugins folder. X-Plane does not like two copies of the same plugin in the plugins folder under different folder names