X-Camera 2.4.3 corrects a problem with updating community camera files that exists in previous versions

The following steps will illustrate how to update your existing installation to version 2.4.3. Do NOT delete your existing X-Plane/Resources/plugins/X-Camera folder. The process below will replace the updated X-Camera files while preserving your license key file and any airport cameras that you may have created.

  1. Make a backup of your existing X-Plane/Resources/plugins/X-Camera folder (just in case you make a mistake)
  2. Download X-Camera 2.4.3 from: https://www.stickandrudderstudios.com/downloads/X-Camera_2.4.3.zip?v=
  3. Unzip the archive from step 2 into a temporary folder
  4. Do NOT delete your existing X-Plane/Resources/plugins/X-Camera folder
  5. Copy the resulting X-Camera folder from step 3 to your X-Plane/Resources/plugins folder allowing Windows Explorer or OSX finder to merge/replace files
  6. Start X-Plane and make sure the X-Camera control panel indicates that you are running 2.4.3


  • Do not name the X-Camera folder anything other than X-Camera. X-Plane is very fussy about the folder name matching the XPL file name
  • Be careful to copy the X-Camera folder from step 3. Some zip utilities will create an intermediate folder that contains the final X-Camera folder
  • When you make a backup copy in step 1 make sure to place that copy outside of the X-Plane plugins folder. X-Plane does not like two copies of the same plugin in the plugins folder under different folder names